By 2050, the plastic mass in the oceans will exceed that of all fish. This is why the emergency is global. What can we do?

In 2018 road transport represented a huge part of all goods movements in Europe. Every year road freight transport makes us spend billions of euros on health. Any solution capable of limiting it could therefore generate a consistent decrease in mortality due to air pollution. Nakpack is trying to help on that and has found a way to save the environment, every year, more than 114 million grams of CO2.

Excellent news from Central America: Costa Rica is preparing to become one of the first completely green nations in the World, in fact it has decided to completely abolish plastic and without carbon emissions by 2021.

An ocean transformed into the largest landfill in the world. It is called the sixth continent because we are talking about an unimaginable extension, over 2500 km in diameter, an average depth of 30 meters and more than 100,000 tons of plastic waste, from wine bottle plastic protection to polystyrene wine box, divided into two "islands" that are concentrated near Japan and the west of Hawaii.